Sunday 21 January 2018

OUGD601: Suffocating in Brands photoshoot


As a modern society we are suffocated by brands, wether high street or designer. Naomi Klein discusses how brands have a deeper meaning than just logo's, but actually ways to represent ourselves by what we consume and brands we associate with. One can question if all of this is too much - which I personally think it can be - and so wanted to represent the suffocation of brands through a fashion photoshoot (ironic, but important). I introduced cling film within the styling to communicate the feeling of suffocation, wrapping the body in film prior to putting the clothes on, suggesting how deep routed this societal obsession can be. By introducing the iconic Burberry scarf, hinting to the symbolic meaning of brand, the Burberry check suggests high-fashion as it is one of the most iconic and popular prints within modern fashion and street culture. Adwoa Aboah featured in and art directed the 2018 Burberry campaign in a similar setting to the one I used, suggesting campaign similarities.


As I had a clear idea of how I wanted the shot to be, I didn't do as much of a large photoshoot as I did for diversity. I used up the last few frames of a role of film, suggesting nostalgia through the technical process and soft tonal qualities. I tried to utilise some beautiful natural light, reflecting some of the most beautiful fashion images of all time (in my opinion). Despite being shot spontaneously, they came out really well in terms of communicating the idea of suffocation through a fashion image, although I could have represented it in clearer and more literal senses. By doing a studio shoot, I would have had more flexibility over aesthetic and the end result- possibly doing some close up shots of the face with cling film over it giving a physical feeling to the audience when viewing the final image. In the future I will conduct a larger photo shoot, giving myself a wider range of images to choose from, as well as maybe shooting digital to give myself this freedom.

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