Monday 15 January 2018

OUGD601: Looking Into the Past

BBC Archive Video where children in 1966 predicted what would be happening in the year 2000. The fear of atomic bombs was something huge back then, yet something not many fashion magazines picked up on, due to the negative subject matter. "Reality is scary" and they wanted to avoid realism and project the happy hippy fantasies of the day, as apposed to the potential mass murder of millions of civilians through warfare.

Some of the things they say is correct- people do have too many things. People will be known more as statistics than as actual people. The rich people will have other poor people doing everything for them. It will be very boring and everything will be the same, everyone will look and dress the same (looking into the trends of today, everyone does look the same). Computers will take over, as will automation. They will set aside parts of the country, purely for recreation (they do, shopping centres and other entertainment facilities) and the sea may rise (global warming).

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