Sunday 21 January 2018

OUGD601: Exploring Syntax - Fina Posterl Series

Series of posters to promote THEWOKENING, social fashion magazine targeting issues of the day. The concept mag will take submissions and also be a way to support artists making cool things to do with social issues. For the practical part of the brief, the outcome will be a poster series, advertising a quarterly print magazine, which showcases creatives work which tackles contemporary social and political issues, in a lighter way than newspapers. It will be accompanied by a concept website, showcasing the editorial content online, as well as an Instagram page to allow easier interaction with the target audience.

I also altered the wording from #StayWoke to #GetWoke as 'get' is a verb and describing the action of attaining something, which theoretically go by the principles of adding aspiration into fashion advertisements.


The outcome uses Barthes' aspect of syntax, forming a sequence with common purpose - as well as sequence being represented through the design to give consistency. The gothic moderne typeface suggests history fused with modernity, legible from distances and versatile in colour combinations. 

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