Wednesday 10 January 2018

OUGD601: Project Vs

Project VS is a collaborative platform, created as a fusion between the high class of Vogue and the street style, gritty VICE, offspring of i.D. The platform highlights a new type of consumer and audience which has very real needs in 2018. They are youthful and tech savvy, so not restricted to print based media so marketing has been covert and 100% online. This new market is visible all over Instagram and other social platforms- they are a fusion of high and low culture. They are aware of the big brands, popular at the moment being Balenciaga, Dior and Vetememts, yet style these brands up with streetwear in a state of the 'dress' which may not be appropriate for the boardroom or like environment. The curation of this platform shows the shift away from fantasy and high culture, as fashion at the moment is dominated by streetwear, placing the emphasis on the middle ground consumer who can afford the big brands, yet is bringing new aspects to individuality to the market (and social platforms).

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