Friday 19 January 2018

OUGD601: Fuck Trump Photoshoot

Despite being accross the Atlantic, American politics is something which has the power to effect the UK due to the scale and power of the country. The survey results also show that social interest in Trump is very high - with most people thinking he's an arsehole.

Furthermore, Trump remains a symbol for hate, misogyny and even sexual misconduct- the Muslim ban, the attempted revocation of Obama Care which helps millions of Americans, the same way our benefit system helps lower income families over here. The social injustice Trump represents is not progressive for a 21st century society, rather a mind set which is stuck in the 1950’s.

Childish behaviour such as  “My button is bigger than yours” (when discussing nuclear warfare with North Korea) also imposes a threat on global security, and awarness of the presidents professional instability needs to be address. In addition, in the aftermath of the Harvey Weinstein case, in 2017 51 women came forward to say that Trump had sexually asulted them, and due to his position, nothing was done about it. I chose to represent a few of the issues with Trump in this one image, with the mattress reffering to both the sexual assult allegations and his unfairness towards the homeless and less fortunate members of society. 


The 'Fuck Trump' photoshoot is using a Make America Great Again in places suggestive of the characteristics of a Trump supporter- e.g.: trash. By utilising a prop instead of a model, I am experimenting with different kinds of art direction and visual communication. 

Introducing humour with the type 'Cheapest Skips in Leeds', the image suggests to throw away the trump hat and the values it represents. The stacked bricks also suggest the rubble created by tearing down a wall - relating to the Build A Wall plan to segregate Mexico & America.

This composition is possibly the most prolific from the series - the hat the clearest and the tonal qualities bring a calmness to an image which has a dark undertone. The positioning of the hat on the discarded mattress is both a comment to Trump's sexual assault allegations, as well as his cuts to social welfare increasing the amount of homeless people in America.


I got feedback on the images in the second organised crit, with the response being very positive. I asked people if they knew what the images communicated and almost everybody got that it was Trump related straight away- the others, after being told said they got it, which could be an issue with these images. I wanted the images to have a nostalgic tonality, reflecting Jeurgen Teller's style of photography and bringing different aspects of imagery to the series. 

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