Monday 17 April 2017

OUGD501: SB2 Ideas Generation

Before Developments to essay:

  • Poster series for a worldwide organisation expressing values you cannot purchase
  • Branding, brand concept and business structure for a new age clothing brand
    • Touching on aspects of giving back to society 
  • Fashion Zine expressing identity and non-conforming to social ideals.
    • Branding, concept and editorial
  • A project seeing the relationship between what we post on Instagram and whats real life.
  • Recreate famous adverts to alter the coding and messages within the adverts
    • American Apparel sexy adverts turned empowering 
    • Pro consumer vs Anti-consumer perspectives as a advertising spread (for a fashion concept one ad would be embracing the bag, selling ideas of self-fulfilment and one would be dismissing it suggesting the bag encourages negative aspirations on self. Both ads to work together and be taken as playful and ironic
  • Creative project for a news outlet exploring reverting sense of self
    • Collaboration on 'identity' photoshoot with photographer?
    • Could be for Broadly/Vice, Creative Review, AnOther
  • Zine with typography removing consumer aspects consistently through images to show what is left-
    • Editorial and Art Direction
  • Fashion zine instilling good practice in advertising, challenging gender and identity parameters
  • Re-brand current adverts
    • Poster series commenting on popular culture in playful ways
    • The Pepsi Ad
  • Political branding for the trump campaign in nazi style
    • See the reaction and what the power of graphic design has if response 
    • Donald trump small penis drawing got masses of attention online- utilise the power of online in the modern day.
    • Iris London Advertising firm said 'Facebook is the new magazine', and when considering the internet scope as a whole its hard to deny that appeal for distribution.
  • Logo for political party campaign
  • Logo for not-for-profit fashion magazine
  • Turning away from society using Adorno and Horkheimers views as basis
  • Magazine content/ fashion adverts about turning away from society and stripping the ties we have to negative media.. could be for an ethically conscious fashion brand.
  • Screen printed t-shirts saying 'don't buy me'
  • Conduct a social experiment to see who engages with items/shows interest, even though they cannot be purchased, and see if reverse psychology plays a part when related to advertising.
  • Branding for a fashion company instilling aspects of trust and good practice
  • Create design for a world in which consumerism does not exist- echoing Plato's cave

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