Sunday 23 April 2017

OUGD501: Practical Developments 02

Experimenting with collage

Inspired by Dazed and Confused, I wanted to incorporate aspects of constructing imagery outside of advertising/editorial designs pre-set aesthetic styles. The use of collage reflects a postmodern DIY aesthetic, whilst possessing abstract and surreal qualities.

These act as fun little pieces of content to break up the photographic element, yet derived from aspects of the photoshoot and surrealist composition. The typography is a work in progress at the minuet, yet something expressive of character and identity is needed to harmonise with the content.

The concept behind the strange leg figures is combining the aspect of consumerism we are identifying, morphing them and combining multiple charecter profiles together to create one solid force of diversity and intrigue.

If time was no issue for this brief it would be interesting to write the 'Dazed' header (or 'Identity Issue') in letters constructed from imagery. In experimenting with compositions and digital collage I created an 'A' letterform, physically made from aspects of identity.

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