Saturday 22 April 2017

OUGD501: 3 Solutions (Idea 01)


Editorial content for Dazed & Confused magazine exploring identity through typography and photography, expressing it as a positive aspect which shouldn't be restricted. Many theorists within my essay explore how our identity is constructed from what we consume, and how some of those products have a deeper personal significance with us, so become part of us in tern. The concept that our goods inform us shows how identity can be explored through material objects and past times, including what we wear and where we spend our time.

A photographic based advertisement communicating people being fully fulfilled and reaching 'self-actualisation' by loving the things they already own. 

I need to consider relevant canons, Jan Tshichold and Massimo Vignelli introduced some interesting grids, adaptable for print purposes. 

-Dazed uses a 7 column grid system with a 15mm margin, catering for flexible but consistent layouts.

The distribution paths will be predominantly an online editorial feature, as well as social media collateral to encourage audience participation and reflecting modern times. The printing requirements are not really a consideration as the piece would feature inside a full size issue of Dazed, however these considerations arestock - matte 160gsm with 300gsm cover.
- binding - Perfect bound. Sleek and uniform with all of Dazed's other issues
- colour - Appropriate to dazed colour pallet, often black and White with touches of appropriate colour.
- Postmodern typography and design is often combined with a modernist legibility. 

The photographic style is often quite informal, moving away from the high-key advertisements and fashion editorial shoots. (The honesty Dazed projects to its readers is another aspect why they are a relevant client, as their ethos is similar to that of the essays conclusion.). The editorial style of Dazed features 'Dazed & Confused' with the page number on every page, always in 12pt subheading type.

The content will mainly feature on the online magazine, as well as the print version, so the design needs to be adaptable to both platforms.  For editorial I need to consider Grids and Cannons, examples of which are shown below, explaining 2:3 and 4:6 ratios when constructing the page.

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