Sunday 23 April 2017

OUGD501: Dissertation Research 2

Looking at the crime industry, often perceived in negative ways- are their ways that Graphic Design can alter perceptions about historical gangs/crimes to show a different side to them- furthermore, are their business cards a reflection of their character and ethos, or simply unconsidered design? An Article on Its Nice That uncovered business cards from old Chicago gangs, and the nostalgia within the images looks almost replicable in todays age for the same purpose. 

In the aftermath of events such as Brexit, the nation of ever more divided in our views on the rest of the world. Looking back in years to come, how will the future generation studying the 21st century look at the information and graphic design they are presented? Will they think that we all have the same view or will graphic design aid the future generations in de-mistifying the truth.

Memes and online articles will/have become the newspapers of our day, which may mean people take what they say more accurately than often news platforms.

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