Monday 24 April 2017

End of moduel evaluation

Over the course of cop 2 I have tried to incorporate the aspect of study with a personal passion related to the field of Graphic Design. Throughout the year I have learnt extraordinary amounts about Graphic Design and the wider contextual field of design with my particular interest relaying around social and cultural issues. The lecture program has been a key insite for developing knowledge, however I wish I had documented these better and reflected more critically on the works I had learnt. Furthermore, the development of an essay problem was a huge challenge to me, and this is something I need to pre-plan for my dissertation. The development of a problem didn’t really have a direct-enough path of direction and so confused me when coming to decipher the essay and subsequent practical. Time management has also been an issue with this project, something I plan to focus on in the future. I do not feel the standard of outcome or finish is good enough or acceptable to best showcase the idea, and really I should have experimented further with photography and collage styles to further link to contextual research. Looking forward to COP 3 I plan to be much more focused and organised, not getting so unorganised with the research I have conducted. I will also contuct a proper time plan, starting in August to allow a polished solution for COP 3 throughout.

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