Saturday 22 April 2017

OUGD501: 3 Solutions (Idea 02)

 Advertising campaign expressing values you can't buy. The emphasis will be on turning away from material goods, encouraging time with family, nature and finding yourself as a person. This could be distributed as a print campaign if for a widespread/mass audience, or more tightly confined to the demographic with the highest rate of consumerism?

Google Maps campaign encouraging exploring away from the computer screen, suggesting aspects of freedom hunting and utopian gardens, whilst still being at your screen. The simplistic style is clean and legible, reflecting a clinical officially and efficiency in communication. This style of design is effective on a broad scale and quintessentially Google, yet diverse enough to evolve throughout campaigns. The humanistic element of the scribble out suggests that the initial advertisement was tampered with, adding more of an honesty as we can physically see a strike through the initial problem (not everyone could see the world) now we just see 'explore the world', because we now can with Google.

Mastercard's Priceless Surprises campaign features images of items without a price tag, however I feel they have been quite insensitive and are classifying homeless people as mere objects. The suggestion is that money can buy the man, or that enough money could cure the homelessness crisis, setting unrealistic standards within society yet again. The direct view of looking at someone 'below you', and downwards in comparison theory boosts our self esteem and may encourage us to spend to fulfil this new status we have set for ourselves. It would be encouraging for a financial company is (in some way), to encourage to distributing the wealth and perhaps go to a Greggs and buy the person in need a Steak Bake.


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