Thursday 23 March 2017

OUGD501: A Users Guide to Capitalism and Schizophrenia

Continuing on from the reading into Gilles Deluze, his name keeps appearing as a relevant theorist to explore for my chosen research question as he is a key figure in consumer theory. Deluze and Felix Guattari are two theorists often compared and contrasted by many additional writers, exploring Deluze and Guattari's initial philosophy yet tailoring it for a modern, new purpose.

'A Users Guide to Capitalism and Schizophrenia', written by Brian Massumi features deviations from both Deluxe and Guattari as the two key theorists, with Massumi really just reinterpreting their words. The title and cover of the book drew me in instantly, especially as my essay question explores the effects of capitalism on society and self.

This text argues that we have a split sense of self with regards to capitalism, and that we purchase for both 'selves', filling the needs of both modern and primitive beings we embody.

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