Monday 27 March 2017

Do Design- Alan Moore, Published by Do Book company, 2016

“salve corpus amanti and a bit of joined up thinking”

“The idea that truth is subjective is its root. It is also the foundation of modern psychics” (p.82)

Travel writer Robert McFarlane discusses nature poetically, saying the “flow of water down a glacier” or “the turbulent rush of windows across uplands” is essentially chaotic and untameable. “They operate a feedback system of unresolvable delicacy and interacy” (p.82) <links to B.G>

“We need to think about the purpose of the work we do and how we create a more restorative life- whatever it looks like”. Moore says “we need to dedicate ourselves to being craftspeople, strong in ourselves, intently curious about the world we live in and how we can contribute to making it better”.


Utopian paradise is unattainable and unrealistic for such a dismal world. True utopia could only ever come from qualitative means, not just ‘things’ as a mean to happiness. A transportation is definitely achievable though. 

“Michaelangelo’s David comes pretty close” he is “striving to create that which previously did not exist”.

“It is a continuous process and that is its enduring beauty (p.84)

By beauty taking president, we could create a “more restorative world”. (p.84)

Gabriel Branbry (chief executive go Grandsors Bruk, a company which makes axes). “Rather than designing in obsolescence, Branbry “designs it out”, resulting in a heightened sense of responsibility for the ethics of design, focusing on the ‘quality of the product and ho many years its will endure’. 
This tactic os opposite to retail windows and more relevant to shopfront arhitecture or store design. Georgia Armani’s HQ reflects their qualities, uplifting the brand.

The type of display you create is merely an extension of your brand, so window dressing also has the possibility to work closely with branding or marketing departments.

“Man discovers things by revealing a pattern of nature” - John Fowles (p.103)

“Artistic expression is not a luxury item. It is a necessary item to having a civilisation”- Stephen Galloway (p.103)

Success and recognition needs to be learnt and pioneered, that just happened to be by Bergdorfs!

“Design is based upon resolving how someone is going to use something. Great design is describing the very best experience for them, then moving towards that ideal” (p.44) - <<Links to mannequin design and female objectification>>

The right hands are needed, “just like oragami”.

“One might have the head of an engineer, but one must always quest with the heart of a poet” (p.31).

Opposite to shaker design for their O.T.T curiosity journeys (excessive metal displays or curiosity cabinets). These powerhouses have chosen not to take the simplest route as that would be unengaging, yet have the ability to still fall into many different categories. Links to postmodernity and modernism.

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