Monday 27 March 2017

Janson-Boyd 2010 - Identity and Consumption

In what ways can products & services relate to consumers?

Research suggests that humans buy products and services for practical functions, however this is not the full picture. The goods we purchase and services we consume help defining our identity, how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us. Through being materialistic and giving into our impulses, peoples self-worth becomes reduced to that of a consumer (Kanner & Gomes 1995) meaning that people's identities are linked to what they consume. By going to a certain place every week or wearing a certain item of clothing, you are finding exploring a sense of belonging which inherently becomes a part of you. This categorisation through products and services allows others to 'pidgeon-hole' you, which in turn can alter any other aspect of your life. Eg: A Wall Street banker in a leather jacket and Dr Martens will be perceived differently as he is non-conforming. However, this may lead to him not having a job anymore, as his beliefs projected from clothing are different to that of the company. This could also result in friends turning their backs, or alternatively new friends showing an interest in you.

How do consumers use products/services within social interaction?

'Humans categories the world around them relating to themselves, to find it easier to find similarities between themselves and the person they're categorising . The incorporation of so many different characteristics to express who we are shows our identities to be multi-dimensional, hence why peoples possessions vary in style and practicality. Goods, especially high ticket items, express who we are on a social scale. This all suggests a sense of grander  and informs how we conduct ourselves around certain people. This can often lead to downward social comparison, improving self esteem as on paper, the quality and brands of which they are consuming, are simply better than others. Alternatively, upwards social comparison is 'where we compare ourselves to the ideal'. 

Using the theories discussed suggest some visual communication strategies that effectively promote a product to its target consumer.

 Are there any ethical issues?

Tag Huer used Cara Delevingne as the face of their brand in 2015, yet in the advertising collateral she does not even wear a watch.

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