Friday 31 March 2017

CASE STUDY: Smart Water

The internet is host to all kinds of bizarre video's, accumulating millions of views a day globally. One  of social media's biggest pages 'UNILAD' has recently had a viral video, submitted by a guy who's girlfriend is obsessed with Smart Water as she thinks it genuinely makes her more intelligent. 

When Brad says 'you do know that its just a brand name.. its not just a magic water that makes you smart', 'Jen' replied saying "No-one would do that.. thats not a smart idea is it".

In the video, Jen had bought 2 family size packs of smart water and had already consumed 4 bottles that day.

Jen: "I'm feeling really good"

Brad: "No you're feeling Hydrated"

Jen: "No I'm not I'm feeling clever... IM FEELING CLEVER BRAD"

Brad: "Jen it doesn't make you smarter"

Jen: "Well why do they call it smart water then?!"

Brad: "Its just a brand name".. "You genuinely think that you feel clever after 4 or 5 bottles of that?... The only thing its going to make you do is go to the toilet more"

Jen: "No its educating me!!"  (*ironic tone of voice* Yeah, the chasers on The Chase are in that position by drinking loads of water)

In an attempt to convince his girlfriend that she has actually fallen prey to a clever advertising trick, she truly believes skills like Maths enhancement will come after drinking more water, so will not stop consuming until it happens.

She ends by saying "You're ridiculous for not having this".. Smart water job, complete.

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