Monday 27 March 2017

The Politics of Aestetics’- Jacques Ranciere, 2004

‘We tried to transform the world in diverse ways, now its a matter of interpreting it’ (1974:14), These criticisms of the response by certain intellectuals to the events of May 1968 eventually led…’ (p.2)

“Artistic practices are ‘ways of doing and making’ that intervene in the general distribution of ways of doing and making, as well as the relationship they maintain two modes of being and forms of visibility” (p.13)

Theres “three ways of distributing the sensible that structure the manner in which the arts can be perceived and thought of as forms of art and as forms that inscribe a sense of community” (p.14)

“…the knowledge concerning typography and iconography, the intertwining of graphic and pictoral capabilities, that played such an importance role in the Renaissance and was revived by romantic typography through its use of vignettes, de-lampe, and various innovations”. These techniques are theatrical and historically instilled and used today in set and store design (retail windows).

“A ‘Surface’ is not simply a geometric composition of lines. It is a certain distribution of the sensible” (p.14)

“The reproduction of optical depth was linked to the privilege accorded to the story” (p.16)

“Its the connection forged between poems and their typography or their illustrations, between the theater and its set designers or poster designers between decorative objectives and poems- that this ‘new ness’ is formed that links the artist… who invents a new form of life” (p.16)

“The form of egalitarian distribution of the sensible stigmatised by Plato, intervened as the principle behind arts ‘formal’ revolution” (p.17)

“The word aesthetic does not refer to a theory of sensibility, taste and pleasure for arts amateurs. It strictly refers to the specific mode of being whatever falls within the domain of art, to the mode of being the object of art.

“herdrodgenous power, the power of a form of thought that has become foreign to itself.”

Also discusses post modernity

‘The flipped classroom’ is a philisophical approach to social/political structure and how it could be reversed.

Art is serving the people, we are all part of the same strugle. Visual communication was acting as a weapon against the world.

-Symbols of a better world

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