Thursday 28 December 2017

OUGD601; Memes from Pre-16th Century Art

After doing some preliminary research into surrealist and realistic art, young artist Cecilia Azcarate has been combining renaissance art with pop culture, creating a range of surrealistic modern art. Memes, advertising and aspects of fashion photography have influenced Azcarate, yet when mixed with a different kind of subject matter, that unusual quality is present again; and it is this we often find intriguing. The sense of 'otherness'  (Darwin & Mulvey theories) acts as a intriguing factor when viewing the imagery, as pre-16th century artwork isn't often seen in this setting. Elements of humour and playfulness are placed onto the artwork in a ways similar to some pastiche's, yet the visual communication within the original artwork also shine through. Each painting shows a narrative or humorous element of some kind, and when positioned in an alternative setting can prove a powerful use of graphic design to grab the audiences attention. 

One can question what the potential impact on an audience could be by using an alternative tactic like this- including memes, classic artworks and even aspects of popular literature. The layout of each image is also current, yet definitely appeals to a younger demographic. The references to Tinder, Kanye West and Lil' Wayne may be more niche than that of Calvin Klein- yet this almost makes the viewer (well, me, aged 21) find these more funny. They are not commercial, yet when considering editorial or advertising they could be a hint to the future style to grab and entice.

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