Thursday 28 December 2017

OUGD601: Fantasy Shoot Proposal

Unfortunately it snowed much harder than predicted this day, so the above plan was unable to happen, so we ended up switching locations to Tropical World's snowy gardens and inside the Tetley. After hours of being suck in the snow, Harrison France the photographer was unable to stay for the day, so did not get many images for content from him. Lucy managed to come to Tropical World at the end of the day as her car ended up getting stuck on the way to Brimham Rocks. Each photographer brings forward their own style, and as a hobbyist I decided to shoot some 35mm alongside Lucy's high key digital style to provide a difference. The publication will be an expose into vernacular fashion, culture and politics, so different aspects are photography are necessary. 

The shoot features models of Asian, Indian and American backgrounds, yet will be featured in a British made publication to showcase the diversity of the UK. The styling is fairly minimal, reflecting peaceful but current vibes. These images will form a photographic sequence in the publication as self generated content.

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