Friday 1 December 2017

OUGD601: Investigating 2017 / Initial Practical Ideas

In a group with some peers, I created a few different mind maps with their feedback and input on the biggest trends and issues of 2017. I plan to keep the practical component of the brief quite contemporary in social/political issues and design.

Initial Practical Ideas - 4 Photoshoots based on different social themes

Throughout my personal work I have been collaborating with lots of amazing photographers and models, and I want to push this style of work throughout the moduel. The shoots will be cost/time dependent, as conducting 4 photoshoots will take a lot of time, and the images are not what's important, rather then communication of the semiotics within said images to best synthesis with the creative report. 

 Shoot 1 -  Theme: Politics- Trump in Power/ Post-Brexit/ For the many not the few - reflecting the social issues from the primary research survey

Shoot 2 - Theme: NHS Cuts / Mental Health Awareness 

Shoot 3 - Theme: Social Media / Lack of Social Interaction- relating to everybody being on their phones and not actually going out to have conversations any more.

Shoot 4 - Theme: Sexual Liberation / Gender Fluidity - showcasing this in a positive way to change the mindset of the older generation, who still hold prejudice towards trans people or gay people. 


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