Wednesday 1 November 2017

OUGD601: "Do we see reality as it is?" / Donald Hoffman 'TED Talk'

Donald Hoffman is a professor in quantitative psychologist at the University of California and a respected science author. His background in neuroscience and psychology ultimately lead his discussion in cognitive science. I am interested to see if these factors need to be considered when creating fashion photographs, producing magazines etc. Hoffman starts by raising questions about 'what is the relationship between your brain and conscious experiences?'

He raises points that we can misinterpret our own experiences

Neuroscience tells us 1/3 of our brain cortex is engaged in vision all the time, the brain is not like a camera just taking a snapshot of objective reality, neurons in the brain literally create what we see. Neuroscience says we reconstruct reality, so maybe thats where adaptations/pastiche ideas come from?  We construct the image as we need it, so often when we look back at past memories we are not actually looking back at that moment, yet an altered version. This raises questions about people with mental issues/different socio upbringings having a oppositional reading when it comes to fashion images (particularly controversial ones).

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