Tuesday 8 March 2016

OUGD401 // Practical Starting Point

My intentions for the brief are to explore postmodernism's influence on modern day Graphic Design practice, by producing a brook of brand guidelines for a modern record company. As there is no specific record company I feel it would be best to brand, I am taking the opportunity to create one from scratch, tailoring the style to brand values and the modern perception of postmodernism. 
This will definitely be a huge challenge, especially as I want to make it as modern as possible, whilst still incorporating the spirit of postmodern nostalgia. 

Initial ideas to include in Brand Guidelines //
- Logo/logotype/icon      -Spacific Typeface(s)
-Colour Scheme        -Website/App design (?)

Initial experimentation with logotypes, inspired by what I already know about postmodernism. I want to convey a groovy style, suggesting freedom, happiness yet brutality. This could possibly be achieved by a geometric typeface incorporating fluid artwork, alternatively a fluid typeface contrasted by sharp colour ways.

Exploring contrasting colours unfitting to the themes raised in postmodernism

Playing on the idea of Room 'A', introducing bizarre melting qualities and geometric structures. I wanted to create a simplistic logo incorporating vivid colour and generally something abit unusual. I took these experiments and colour ways to the first critique where I explained my initial intentions towards the brief. Exploring the topic of music and postmodernism within 21st century design practice was the resolved outcome, introducing both nostalgic and modern practices. I was advised that the logo's were currently too in your face, which I completely agree with. The use of linear components detracts from the solid figure of the 'A' shape, making it just look like a blur at a glance. I am conscious that the essay question is about graphic design practice, therefore I intend to make the logo as professional and recognisable as possible, highlighting good design practice.

The first critique was very helpful for me in deciphering the avenue to pursue. As the question is fairly broad, I wanted to address it in the most appropriate way and the critique helped me do so by introducing both modernity and postmodernity into the practice. Some feedback received encouraged me to explore hand rendered approaches alongside digital, yet this was contrasted by some very strong views saying "attack this as any other design brief", attacking the resolution with a justified eye.

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