Tuesday 3 November 2015

OUGD401// Planning & Structuring an Essay - Study Task 5.1

“How did Postmodernism impact on Graphic Design practice?"

//Area's to investigate:
  • What is Postmodernism?
  • How has postmodernism progressed to be no longer 'the norm'?
  • Key theorists and writers/ designers within Postmodernism
  • Known practices and how they have changed
  • Graphic Designers/ Creatives who have been visibly influenced by Postmodernism today
  • 'What?'- Meaning what evidence is there to be collected to back up/ challenge if my thesis is true?- this comes in early within the essay.
  • 'How?'- Look from a readers point of view and find out if my thesis is true in all cases. This is the section to counter argue and include the counter references.
  • 'Why?'- What larger implications are created from the thesis? Asses the essay's points in a larger sense, explore knock on effects of Postmodernism today and possibly its implications for the future. This section should also voice my thesis/ postmodernism relevance to me/ Graphic Design now. Essentially, why is this important. 

//References & Artists to explore:

  • 'The Politics of Postmodernism', Linda Hutcheon
  •  Section 6 of 'A critical and Cultural Theory Reader- Second Edition', East-hope and McGowan
  • Barbra Kruger / Larry Carlson/ David Carlson
  • 21st Century Album Artworks
  • V&A 'Postmodernism Teachers Resource' ('Style and Submersion 1970-1990)
  • 'No More Rules'- Rick Poynor
  • Wolfgang Weingart/ Steff Geissbuhler/ Odermatt & Tissi
  • Looking Closer- Critical writings on Graphic Design- Allworth Press
//Possible Thesis: 

  • 'Postmodernism has given the green light for anything to go within Graphic Design'...
  • 'Postmodernism is ugly but freeing'


Postmodernism today is brought into the spotlight by indie hipsters who want to be different. This is through the use of wacky album artwork and the evident defiance for conventions. As an outsider of postmodernism it seems more negative design stereotypes are referenced to postmodernism than any other recent era, possibly why this 21st century sub culture is forcefully trying to bring it to the surface? Furthermore, the mainstream design industry, of clean design and simplification references Modernism more, due to artists such as Vignelli and inspired Swiss Cultures. 

To me, it almost seems that postmodernism is the less loved 20th Century child which still manages to pull on the heartstrings of modern individuals-  but is this for its artistic integrity or for its lack of?

How do you define postmodernist artwork? Date? Style? Colour and composition?

//Wider research:

Shawn Rider- 'Writings'
V&A Postmodernism
Open University- The Postmodernist Movement
WTTW- Robert Venturi Postmodernism & Postmodernism Timeline
Open University- Modernism
Postmodernism for Beginners - Richard Appignanesi & Chris Garratt
Sample essay on Graphic Design and Postmodernism
Graphic Design blog
Postmodernism and David Carlson

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