Wednesday 7 October 2015

OUGD401// The Lecture that Made me Hungry

Context of Practice 1 // Visual literacy lecture // OUGD401

Visual literacy is based on a shared understanding of sign/ symbol and gestures. Without a cultural or global understanding of certain symbols, meaning would be near impossible to transcend through many language barriers. Through the lecture we looked at 10 Principles to consider and how to "work the metaphor" in a creatively stimulating way. 
By introducing Visual Syntax, Visual Semantics and Semiotics into our thinking, we have a better understanding of how to use symbolism correctly- and how it will be percived in different places. 
One part of the lecture that I found the most interesting is that if we switch gender stereotyping colours (pink/blue) on symbols less known, such as Mars and Venus, we loose confidence in our knowledge and start questioning the true meaning- (I wonder what else this applies to?). Colour is a HUGE impact on what the symbol means and by adding a certain colour and changing the shape slightly, we have a range of brand new symbols with entirely different meanings. 

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