Tuesday 8 March 2016

OUGD401 // Practical Starting Point

My intentions for the brief are to explore postmodernism's influence on modern day Graphic Design practice, by producing a brook of brand guidelines for a modern record company. As there is no specific record company I feel it would be best to brand, I am taking the opportunity to create one from scratch, tailoring the style to brand values and the modern perception of postmodernism. 
This will definitely be a huge challenge, especially as I want to make it as modern as possible, whilst still incorporating the spirit of postmodern nostalgia. 

Initial ideas to include in Brand Guidelines //
- Logo/logotype/icon      -Spacific Typeface(s)
-Colour Scheme        -Website/App design (?)

Initial experimentation with logotypes, inspired by what I already know about postmodernism. I want to convey a groovy style, suggesting freedom, happiness yet brutality. This could possibly be achieved by a geometric typeface incorporating fluid artwork, alternatively a fluid typeface contrasted by sharp colour ways.

Exploring contrasting colours unfitting to the themes raised in postmodernism

Playing on the idea of Room 'A', introducing bizarre melting qualities and geometric structures. I wanted to create a simplistic logo incorporating vivid colour and generally something abit unusual. I took these experiments and colour ways to the first critique where I explained my initial intentions towards the brief. Exploring the topic of music and postmodernism within 21st century design practice was the resolved outcome, introducing both nostalgic and modern practices. I was advised that the logo's were currently too in your face, which I completely agree with. The use of linear components detracts from the solid figure of the 'A' shape, making it just look like a blur at a glance. I am conscious that the essay question is about graphic design practice, therefore I intend to make the logo as professional and recognisable as possible, highlighting good design practice.

The first critique was very helpful for me in deciphering the avenue to pursue. As the question is fairly broad, I wanted to address it in the most appropriate way and the critique helped me do so by introducing both modernity and postmodernity into the practice. Some feedback received encouraged me to explore hand rendered approaches alongside digital, yet this was contrasted by some very strong views saying "attack this as any other design brief", attacking the resolution with a justified eye.

Tuesday 1 March 2016

OUGD401 // Practical Piece Research

For my practical piece to accompany my essay on 'The effect of Postmodernism within graphic design practice', I intend to create a record label and the accompanying brand guidelines. I chose to explore music as throughout my essay I mention how the music of the time influenced the subcultures and masses, thus filtering into art. I feel this is the most relevant topic to explore, more so than fashion/ company profiles of the day. In addition, the styling and ascetic will be postmodern in concept and visuals to explore the practice of covered designers (David Carlson, Barbra Kruger etc). 

Investigating possible names //

With regards to creating a new record label rather than rebranding an existing title, in a ideas crit it was raised that the creation of a new label would commit to the essay further, allowing a truly unique accompaniment. I started by researching current record labels for name inspiration. This was also a good opportunity to research current genre conventions and branding types of the 'competition'.

Despite Communion being a significantly smaller record label than the likes of Def Jam or Sony, they still adopt a very clean visual, adapting the principles of modernism. To me this seems like a contradiction as the artists they sign channel a very nostalgic sound and persona, e.g: The Vaccines. The name communion suggests the religious process, possibly influencing the heavy use of white. Furthermore, the black logo surrounding the custom typeface connotes gothic styles and vaguely death. The typeface with a relatively consistent X-Height incorporate only upper case letterforms, whilst the serifs are regal in size and approach. The curl in the serif also takes on a similar style to wedding typefaces and such similarly seen in church. 
Rough Trade adapt a monochrome stylization, incorporating a clean grid system and modernist title approach.

I felt the best avenue to go down was investigating popular words/ record label names of the time. As my essay talks about the 60's being the true starter of postmodernism, I felt investigating the 1960's lingo was the best avenue. 

Heavy - a controversial or powerful subject, Kings X - safe, 
Neato - awesome,     Tuff - cool or very enjoyable
Mirror warmer - woman who spends a lot of time looking in the mirror
Groove yard - A record store,      Jazzed - 
Nitty-Gritty -The core of truth,     Percolate! - Let it happen!,      Wig - The mind. 
Rockin’ Ou - Really good fun/spectacular,    Rinky-Dink - Trivial. 

After another informal crit I posed these chosen words to my peers, and overall chose Rinky-Dink records. Rinky-dink meaning Trivial in the 60's/postmodern era, the mathematical meaning of rink dink is basically explaining subcultures which quintessentially kickstarted and influenced the Postmodern art movement.

Prior to committing to a name, I felt it also best to investigate the social/cultural significance during Postmodernism as a whole. 

Music & Film//  

Glam Rock, Acid House, Another Brick in the Wall- Pink Floyd, Blondie, Disco,
Underage dance clubs formed in the 80's, Thundar the Barbarian [cartoon] (1980-1984), NY Rap Scene sweeps the US and leads as a huge crazeThe Simpsons and Southpark started redefining cartoons and introducing controversial content, 
Napster was leading the way in illegal content.


The Mexico State Riot, Voyager Program reacher near saturn, John Lennon & Steve McQueen Dies, World Wide Web launches, Bill Clinton as US Governor, embodying smooth talking politicians

Can't choose rinky-dink due to the new alternative meaning, suggesting the Record label is shoddy and thus undesirable.

Sourced from Urban Dictionary

http://pulseradio.net/articles/2013/02/how-to-name-your-record-label (Wicked Thunder Cube Records